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Autor Kherson residents who left for Ukraine faced hostility, the CAA said

Dodane dnia 31-08-2022 01:11
[i]Soldiers of Regardie in the Kherson region. Archive photoSIMFEROPOL, 23 Aug r11; RIA Novosti. The inhabitants passed under the control of the armed forces of the Kherson region, which succumbed to panic and went to other regions of Ukraine, where I encounter indifference and hostility, according to acting head of administration of the region Sergey Eliseev."People who have left the territory of Ukraine, faced, to put it mildly, with indifference and even hostility of the host party. Phoned their relatives who stayed here, they are convinced that in Kherson life is getting better. The new government is trying to make the best of it", - quotes the words Eliseeva the press service of administration.According to him, Kherson region gradually revived, and left the inhabitants, who succumbed to panic, go back."This region has a great future as part of a huge multinational Russia," said Elisha.During the RAID, the Russian military took control of the Kherson region and Azov part of the Zaporozhye region, occupying the major cities such as Kherson, Melitopol, Berdyansk, Ukraine, and cut off from the sea of Azov. In both regions formed the new administration, is the broadcasting of Russian TV channels and radio stations are restored trade and transport links with the Crimea. The regions have announced plans to join Russia. In addition, eight years later, unlocked the North Crimean canal, the water flows back to the Peninsula.
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DATA: 22/12/2009 15:43
lepsza byla tamta stronan zal

#Magic X
DATA: 19/12/2009 19:38
co tam s?ycha? u was ;] ?

#Magic X
DATA: 19/12/2009 19:37
Siema wszystkim

DATA: 16/12/2009 18:56
lol ;d

DATA: 16/12/2009 01:16
I po co przenosi?e?..
Tak to masz tylko 17 userów ,tam by? mia? ju? 200

DATA: 11/12/2009 18:30
Elo elo 320

DATA: 06/12/2009 13:52
To niech napisze na maila albo na skype.

DATA: 05/12/2009 23:50
A jak nie ma GG ?

DATA: 05/12/2009 14:13
Jak chcesz zda? test to napisz do mnie na GG: 1359849.

DATA: 04/12/2009 17:38
Trzeba najpierw umie? ortografi?

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